Arts Education
Committee (Ms. Richardson-Chairpersons)
Reflections Program
Every year the
PTSA participates in the national Reflections Contest, a national program
designed to encourage students from pre-school through grade 12 to submit works
of art in up to six categories:
1) Dance Choreography,
2) Literature
3) Photography
4) Film Production
5) Musical Composition
6) Visual Arts
Local winners in each
category go on to compete at the district/region and state levels. State
winners are then considered for a National PTA Reflections award.
Reflections information
and entry packets are available for student pick-up in the main office deadline
for entries is November 2, 2018 . Email:
Relations Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
This committee’s primary
responsibility is to help create public awareness and support for PTSA’s goals
and programs by using every medium of communication including webpage and all
social media outlets.
They submit all
communications to PTSA President for final approval prior to distribution. If
you are interested in helping please reply to,
Attention: Webmaster.
Community Outreach
Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
This program is to
educate and create opportunities for Cooper students to get involved locally
and globally in Humanitarian efforts. Efforts can range from school supplies
drives, collecting toiletries and clothing items for local shelters, coin
drives for a specific cause.
Family Engagement/Parent Involvement Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
This committee’s main
responsibility is to provide
families with the information, the skills, and the confidence to support
student learning at home, build the capacity of educators and families to work
collaboratively to drive student achievement, create a culture of mutual
support and shared responsibility.
Chat and Chew Dates:
Oct. 9, 2018- 6:30 pm "Understanding Mental Health and Our Children"
Oct. 9, 2018- 6:30 pm "Understanding Mental Health and Our Children"
Nov. 13, 2018-9:30 am
Dec. 11, 2018-NO Meeting for the month
Jan. 9, 2019-9:30 am
Feb. 12, 2019-6:30 pm
Mar. 12, 2019- 9:30 am
Apr. 16, 2018-NO Meeting for the month
Topics will be shared at
a later date. Stay tuned
Fundraising Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
activities are carried out by a committee whose chairman is an appointed or
elected member of the executive board. All plans must be approved in advance by
the executive board.
The major responsibility of the fundraising committee is to
raise the amount needed to meet the proposed unit budget and to work
cooperatively with the PTSA president and treasurer in accounting for receipts
and disbursements for the activity. The committee may also plan specific fundraising
events and activities.
-Box Top for Education
Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
This committee focuses
on the quality of life of the child and builds partnerships with parent and
community in order to provide effective comprehensive health programs
(nutrition, curriculum and services).
Hospitality Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
The goal of the
hospitality committee is to develop a spirit of friendliness among the members
of the PTSA and others who attend its meetings. The committee organizes the
serving of refreshments for PTSA meetings, staff appreciation lunches, and
special school activities.
Relations Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
This committee promotes
the development of programs and activities that 1) assist in securing for all
children the goal of enduring peace and 2) foster understanding and
appreciation of the diverse cultures within our own nation and those of other
countries that, with us, comprise the global community.
Legislation/Advocacy Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
is uniquely qualified to influence policymakers. By working collaboratively on
issues, PTAs in Georgia and throughout the nation can form a powerful force in
securing adequate laws and public policy that are best for the care and
protection of children and youth.
Membership Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
Membership The goal of
the membership committee is to build an informed, active membership, familiar
with the mission, objects, policies, and programs of the PTA. The committee
collects membership dues, distributes membership cards and maintains a current
membership list.
Special Education
Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
This committee purpose is to provide guidance to
educate and support families of newly diagnosed children with special needs on
how to get the best special education, services and resources available to
Youth Involvement/Community Outreach Committee (Chairperson-Vacant)
experience in:
· Leadership
· Advocacy
· Public Speaking
· Teamwork
· Plan student led activities
· Be an equal member with an equal vote
while improving your school, having an equal voice and earning community
service hours for your contributions to the organization.