Sunday, January 11, 2015

Message From Dr. Watkins: Week of January 12

Report Cards

Please remember that report cards were sent home last Friday.

Holiday Reminder

In honor of Dr. King's birthday, school will be closed on Monday, January 19.

Chat -N- Chew STEAM Presentation

Join us for a very important Chat and Chew next Tuesday, January 20 at 6:30 PM. We will have several local leaders and politicians coming to hear a presentation about our progress towards becoming a STEM certified school.

Affordable Care Act Information

There is a community link on our website about assistance with the Affordable Care Act.

Hoodies Are Now Allowed 

Students are now allowed to wear hoodies at Cooper as long as they are uniform colors and solid.

Front Office Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed in the front office, please contact Teri Neal our secretary if interested. 770-819-2438.