Sunday, January 18, 2015

Message from Dr. Watkins Week of January 19

Dr. King Holiday School Closed

School will be closed tomorrow in honor of Dr. King's birthday.

Free Tickets for Selma Movie

Please visit the link for more information on free tickets for 7th and 8th graders to see the movie Selma.

Chat -n- Chew STEAM Presentation This Tuesday

Parents are reminded to join us this Tuesday at 6:30 PM for our Chat and Chew which will be focused on our progress towards becoming a STEM certified school. If you plan to attend, please sign up using the Sign-up Genius found on the PTSA link on the Cooper website.  Students and teachers will be presenting information.

Academic Assemblies

Students who will be honored this Friday, January 23, during the Academic assemblies will receive their invitations on Tuesday.