Sunday, November 8, 2015

Message from Dr. Watkins, Principal Cooper Middle School Week of November 9

PTSA Spirit T-Shirts Are Still on Sale

Basic T Shirts  up to size Adult XL are $10.00. Large sizes, long sleeves and sweat shirts are available. Contact  Cooper PTSA for more details on pricing.  

Progress Reports are Out

Parents, please contact your student's teachers via email if you have questions or concerns about their progress reports that were sent home on Friday.  We hope that you also read all of the information that was attached, especially about our Reading Challenge to get all students to read 3 books by Superbowl time!

Chorus Concert on This Tuesday

Please join us for our all chorus concert this Tuesday evening at 7 PM.

Veteran's Breakfast

We are also hosting our annual Veteran's Day breakfast this Wednesday at 8 AM in the Media Center. If you plan to attend, please contact the secretary, Teri Neal-

School Council Meeting

The School Council will meet on Thursday morning at 8 AM

Chat N Chew

You don't want to miss the Chat and Chew this Thursday at 6:30 PM in the Parent Resource Room. There will be a guest presenter discussing the topic of social media and teenagers.

Thanksgiving Lunch

 Please look for the sign up genius on our website for our annual Thanksgiving lunch next Thursday for you to come and have lunch on us with your student.